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BDT BECE Home Economics 2016 Questions & Answers

June 2016
(Home Economics 2)

1 hour

[20 marks]
Answer question 1

1. (a) List four stitches that can be used for neatening as well as embroidery work

[4 marks]

(b) List four dishes which are easily contaminated
[2 marks]

(c) (i) List three sources where information can be obtained to solve design problems

(ii) List two methods of drawing objects in pictorial views

(iii) List two causes of weaknesses in wooden chairs
[7 marks]

(d) (i) State one use of each of the elements listed below in a design

1. Shape: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Colour………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Space:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Texture:……………………………………………………………………………………………………
[4 marks]

(ii) Explain what a sketch is.
[2 marks]

(iii) State one reason why it is necessary to use a sketch when producing an object
[1 mark]


[50 marks]

Answer two questions only from this section
All questions carry equal marks

2. (a) The passage below is the preparation and setting-in of a shirt sleeve in a blouse. Fill in the blank spaces with the following words provided below.

[Press, sleeve-head, shoulder, stitch, ease-in, neaten, rows, hem, underarm, right sides] Make two ……………….of gathering stitches between the front and back sleeve, just above the seam line. Join the …………………seam and neaten. ………………..out seam. Turn the ……………..of the sleeve. Find the centre of the sleeve and mark on the ……………..Insert the right side of the sleeve into the sleeve into the armhole of the blouse with ……………..facing. Match the centre of the sleeve to the ……………seam and match the underarm seams. Pin, …………….by pulling the two rows of gathering stitches to fit sleeve into the armhole and tack. …………… position along the seamline and then in between the two rows of gathering stitches. Trim and ……………………….
[10 marks]

(b) State two reasons for taking body measurements when sewing a shirt.
[4 marks]

(c) State three guidelines in taking body measurements
[6 marks]

(d) List five different types of materials used for making garments.

3. (a) Use the underlisted methods of cooking to fill the table below and give an example of food cooked by each method.

Dry Method Example of food Moist Method Example of food



(b) Explain the term nutrients.

(c) List four nutrients that can be found in food and give two examples of each nutrient.

Nutrient Example of Nutrient


4. (a) List the ingredients needed for the preparation of koose.


(b) State in eight steps the preparation of koose.

(c) Mention four different articles that can be remodeled from a gathered skirt of a grown up lady.



June 2016
(Home Economics 2)


1. (a) List four stitches that can be used for neatening as well as embroidery work. [4 marks]

 Loop / blanket stitches
 Herringbone stitches
 Buttonhole stitches
 Machine stitches
 Back stitches
 Overcasting
 Crotcheting

(b) List four dishes which are easily contaminated [2 marks]

 Sauces
 Gravies
 Bread pudding
 Vegetable turnovers
 Soups
 Meat turnovers
 Fish turnovers
 Milk dishes
 Vegetable salad
 Fruits salad
NB: any other protein food

(c) (i) List three sources where information can be obtained to solve design problems
[3 marks]  Books and magazines
 Existing structre
 videos / films
 Questionnaire
 Interview
 Existing artefacts

(ii) List two methods of drawing objects in pictorial views. [2 marks]  Oblique drawing
 Isometric drawing
 Perspective drawing

(iii) List two causes of weaknesses in wooden chairs. [2 marks]  Use of unseasoned timber / defective timber
 Poor joints
 Poor construction (eg, missing nail, poor gluing, broken tongue)
 Improper use of the chair
 Over usage / old age


(d) (i) State one use of each of the elements listed below in a design [4 marks]

1. Shape: Used to create composition
2. Colour: Used for drawing and painting for beautification / code
/ identification
3. Space: Used in drawing and creating composition
4. Texture: Used to show the smoothness or roughness of an artwork/ appearance

(ii) Explain what a sketch is. [2 marks] A sketch is a drawing mostly done quickly showing only essential details.
A quick drawing of an object or idea.

(iii) State one reason why it is necessary to use a sketch when producing an object
[1 marks]  For planning
 To avoid waste
 For selection
 It saves time spent on the work
 It gives an overview of the end product

[50 marks]

Answer two questions only from this section
All questions carry equal marks

1. (a) The passage below is the preparation and setting-in of a shirt sleeve in a blouse. Fill in the blank spaces with the following words provided below.

Make two rows of gathering stitches between the front and back sleeve, just above the seam line. Join the sleeve-head seam and neaten. Press out seam. Turn the right sides of the sleeve. Find the centre of the sleeve and mark on the underarm. Insert the right side of the sleeve into the armhole of the blouse with hem facing. Match the centre of the sleeve to the shoulder seam and match the underarm seams. Pin, ease-in by pulling the two rows of gathering stitches to fit sleeve into the armhole and tack. Stitch in position along the seamline and then in between the two rows of gathering stitches. Trim and neaten.
[10 marks]

(b) State two reasons for taking body measurements when sewing a shirt.
(i) for the shirt to fit well on body
(ii) to avoid waste of fabric
(iii) to save time and materials when sewing the shirt
(iv) to sew the shirt accurately
[4 marks]

(c) State three guidelines in taking body measurements
(i) Ensure correct posture of wearer
(ii) The wearer must be in close-fitting clothes
(iii) Use a tape measure that has clear markings and does not stretch
(iv) The tape measure must be firmly in place for accurate measurements
(v) Record each measurement as soon as it is taken
[6 marks]

(d) List five different types of materials used for making garments.
(i) fabric for the garment
(ii) thread
(iii) peter sham
(iv) skirt bands
(v) shoulder pad
(vi) tapes and fasteners
(vii) interfacing
(viii) cuffs and belts


2. (a) Use the underlisted methods of cooking to fill the table below and give an example of food cooked by each method.

[boiling, baking, stewing, grilling, frying, microwave, steaming, poaching, pressure cooking, roasting]
Dry Method Example of food Moist Method Example of food
baking Bread, cake, ofam, biscuits Boiling Yam, rice, fish, meat
grilling Fish, meat, chicken, yam Stewing Fish, meat, fruits, vegetables
microwave Cake, bread and batter pudding, fish Poaching Eggs, fish
roasting Groundnut, plantain, cocoyam Frying Fish, meat, yam, plantain
Steaming Fish, kenkey, tubani, aboloo
Pressure cooking Carrot,beans,beef,tough cuts of meat


(b) Explain the term nutrients
Nutrients are chemical substances that help the body of a living organism to function well.

(c) List four nutrients that can be found in food and give two examples of each nutrient.

Nutrient Example of Nutrient
protein Collagen, Myosin, Keratin, Thrombin, elastin, haemoglobin
minerals Calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, copper
carbohydrate Sugars (glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose), starch, cellulose
vitamins Retinol (vitamin A), thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), folic acid (vitamin B9), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K


3. (a) List the ingredients needed for the preparation of koose.

Beans flour, salt, pepper / ginger, onion and oil

(b) State in eight steps the preparation of koose.
(i) Mill beans into flour
(ii) Wash and grind or blend the pepper and onion
(iii) Pour beans flour into a mixing bowl
(iv) Add the blended pepper/ginger and onion
(v) Mix all into a smooth paste
(vi) Add a little water and salt and beat to introduce air
(vii) Fetch spoonfuls and deep fry in hot oil, turning occasionally till light brown
(viii) Remove when well cooked and drain off oil.

(c) Mention four different articles that can be remodeled from a gathered skirt of a grown up lady.
(i) a dress for a young girl
(ii) a fitting skirt for a young lady
(iii) a shirt for a boy
(iv) a pair of shorts for a boy
(v) a duster
(vi) an apron
(vii) a small table cover


June 2016
(Home Economics 1)

Objective Test
40 minutes

1. The basic stitch which starts all crocheted articles is
A. chain
B. cross
C. loop
D. stem

2. A glass is best used to serve
A. cream
B. drinks
C. ice-cream
D. yoghurt

3. Which of the following is inexpensive to use in the rural area?
A. Coal pot
B. Electric cooker
C. Gas cooker
D. Kerosene stove

4. The visitors book signed at exhibitions help the exhibitor to know
A. the number of people who came
B. how many works were sold
C. the number of people who showed interest
D. what people observed about the work

5. In drawing, objects nearer the viewer are in the
A. background
B. foreground
C. horizon
D. middle ground

Use the sketch in Figure 1 to answer Questions 6 and 7

6. Which of the following represents the front elevation in the direction of arrow Z?

7. Which of the following represents the left end elevation in the direction of P?

8. Rhythm, balance and emphasis are
A. design processes
B. elements of art
C. idea developments
D. principles of design

The lines drawn above are
A. diagonal
B. parallel
C. vertical
D. zigzag

10. The final stage of the design process is the
A. evaluation
B. possible solutions
C. specification
D. working drawings

11. Which of the following is not a method of recording a data for solving a design problem?
A. Observation
B. Photographs
C. Sketches
D. Write-up

12. Which of the following joints will be suitable for a chair to be dismantled and reassembled?
A. Nail lap joint
B. Glued butt joint
C. Glued screw joint
D. Bolt and nut


Figure 2 shows the surface development of a
A. cylinder
B. hexagonal prism
C. hexagonal pyramid
D. square prism

14. Select a shading style from the following options
A. Glazing
B. Hatching
C. Sgraffito
D. Sketching

15. A formal outlet for raising money to start a sewing business is
A. a family member
B. a rural bank
C. money lenders
D. the susuman

16. The sewing machine should be inserted with the flat side facing the ………..of the machine.
A. back
B. front
C. inside
D. outside

17. Which of the following items will be the basic tools needed for learning how to sew?
A. Buttonhole scissors, pins and thread
B. Metre rule, needles and shears
C. Needles, tape measure and pins
D. Pencil, pins and thread

18. Which of the following fibres is obtained by retting?
A. Cotton
B. Jute
C. Linen
D. Sisal

19. When making a French seam, start by placing ……………together.
A. one wrong side against one right side
B. two right sides
C. two right sides folded edges
D. two wrong sides

20. The first line of stitching when making a French seam is done on the
A. cutting line
B. right side
C. seam line
D. wrong side

21. Which of these pattern markings indicates seamline?

22. Strips cut on the true cross of a fabric are usually suitable for curved edges because they
A. are attractive
B. are straight
C. have the ability to stretch
D. have very narrow widths

23. Which of the following tools should be used to remove fibre and nut from palm fruit liquid?
A. Colander
B. Metal sieve
C. Perforated spoon
D. Strainer

24. Kitchen hygiene includes
A. using clean water for cooking
B. washing hands before handling food
C. washing utensils immediately after use
D. wearing clean clothes

25. Lack of calcium results in
A. anaemia
B. goiter
C. marasmus
D. rickets

26. The most expensive nutrient in the Ghanaian diet is
A. carbohydrate
B. fat
C. protein
D. vitamin

27. For a hardboiled egg, cook between
A. 2 to 5 minutes
B. 5 to 6 minutes
C. 7 to 8 minutes
D. 8 to 10 minutes

28. Food retains most of the nutrients and flavor when it is
A. boiled
B. fried
C. steamed
D. stewed

29. When steaming
A. do not allow water to boil
B. put the food in the boiling water.
C. the boiling water must not touch the food.
D. remove the food when water begins to boil

30. The elements of design which are readily noticed when a table is set for meals are
A. lines and dots
B. shape and colour
C. texture and lines
D. texture and shape


June 2016
(Home Economics 1)

Objective Test


1. A. chain
2. B. drinks
3. A. Coal pot
4. D. what people observed about the work
5. B. foreground
6. A
7. B
8. D. principles of design
9. B. parallel
10. A. evaluation
11. A. Observation
12. D. Bolt and nut
13. B. hexagonal prism
14. B. Hatching
15. B. a rural bank
16. A. back
17. C. Needles, tape measure and pins
18. C. Linen
19. D. two wrong sides
20. B. right side
21. A.
22. C. have the ability to stretch
23. A. Colander
24. C. washing utensils immediately after use
25. D. rickets
26. C. protein
27. D. 8 to 10 minutes
28. C. steamed
29. C. the boiling water must not touch the food
30. B. shape and colour


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