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BECE 2014 RME Past Questions Paper 2 (Essay) – Answers

June 2014
Religious and Moral Education 2

Paper 2 – Essay


NOTE: Sample essays are not provided because some students tend to memorize them instead of using them as a guide, thereby promoting monotony in their essays and hence, negatively affecting their creativity.


1. (a) Describe the call of Moses by God. [14 marks]

(Write an essay in paragraphs to narrate each stage of the call)


• Moses fled from Egypt, where he was brought up in Pharoah’s palace, to Midian after he killed an Egyptian.
• Moses married Zipporah and became the shepherd of the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro.

The burning bush
• One day, as Moses was taking care of the sheep in the desert, he saw a bush in flames which was not actually burning.
• As Moses drew closer to see, God called him from the burning bush and instructed him not to draw closer any more.
• He was told to remove his sandals because the land on which he was standing was holy.
• He told Moses go to Egypt to rescue His people
• Moses gave excuses and God gave a way out of each one of them to reassure him.

The dialogue
• God said to Moses ‘come, I will send you to Pharaoh to inform him that he should let my people go.’
• Moses replied and said to God ‘who am I to go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’
• So God said to him, ‘I will be with you. When you bring the people out you shall serve God on this mountain.’
• Then Moses said again ‘if I go and tell them God has sent me and they ask me of your name, what should I tell them?’
• God told Moses, ‘tell them that I AM WHO I AM has sent you’
• God then gave Moses further details and yet Moses was still not convinced and told God that they will still not believe him.
• God then asked Moses what he was holding and he replied saying, ‘a rod’. God told him to throw it onto the floor. Moses did so and the rod became a snake. Moses became afraid and started to run. God now instructed him to take the snake by the tail, which he did and it turned into a rod again.
• He also told Moses to put his hands in his bosom, and Moses did so. When he removed it, his hand had leprosy. So God asked him to put it back into his bosom and it became healed, after he had done so.
• God finally told him that ‘if after these two signs they still do not believe you, then take water from their river and pour it on a dry land. The water will become blood.
• In spite of these signs and assurance from God, Moses gave yet another excuse, ‘O my Lord, I am not eloquent. I am slow in speaking’
• God was patient with Moses and assured him that He will be with him and teach him what to say.
• Moses was not convinced and asked God to send someone else. This time, God became angry with Moses and now told him that he will let Aaron his brother go with him and be his spokesman.
The Departure
• Moses finally agreed; went back home to ask permission of his father-in-law, Jethro, and left for Egypt with his wife and children..

(b) What three lessons can be learnt from the life of Moses? [6 marks]

(State, relating to story and briefly explain)

• Diligence / Hardwork –
Moses was diligently taking care of the sheep of his father-in-law when God called him. We learn that we should also be hard working at school, home and wherever we are.
• We must be responsible and stop giving excuses.
Initially, Moses didn’t want to heed God’s command and kept giving excuses, which eventually made God angry.
• Patience / tolerance –
Despite Moses’ excuses, God was patient with Moses and helped him to overcome his initial fear. We must also learn to be patient with others who do not meet our expectations, and rather help them out.
• Obedience –
Although Moses was fearful and hesitant, he obeyed all the instructions that God gave him. We must also be obedient to God, our parents, teachers and other older people, whenever they give us good instructions.
• Omnipotence of God / Faith in God –
God showed by the signs he gave Moses that He is truly all powerful. We therefore need to have faith in God to help us whenever we call on Him. There is nothing God cannot do.
• Courage / Boldness –
Initially, Moses was not courageous and didn’t want to go. We must always be bold to do any good thing that must be done, knowing that God has already empowered us and He is with us all the time.
• Humility –
Moses finally humbled himself unto God and heeded God’s call. He also showed humility when he went back to Jethro, his father-in-law to request permission before leaving. We must also humble ourselves unto God, our parents, older brothers and sisters, etc.


2. (a) Explain the following types of prayer in Islam:

(i) Jumu’ah [3 marks]
This is Friday prayer said congregationally. It is said between 1:00 and 1:30pm

(ii) Tarawih [3 marks]
This is a prayer said during the month of Ramadan

(iii) Tahajjud [3 marks]
Also known as the “night prayer” is a voluntary prayer, performed by followers of Islam. It’ is any prayer performed after Isha time.

(iv) Janazah [3 marks]
This is a special prayer said for the dead in Islam.
It is believed by muslims that this prayer allows the soul of the dead gain pardon from Allah for the sins committed while alive

(b) State four things that spoil Wudu. [8 marks]

(Note: State and briefly explain)
(Write complete and meaningful sentences)
Wudu is washing of some parts of the body by Muslims before Salat.
Some of the parts are the hair, feet, hands, nostrils, mouth, ear, etc.

Things that spoil Wudu
• Washing with dirty water
• Contact with blood
• Farting
• Stepping on faeces with barefoot
• Sexual arousal and sex
• Wearing dirty cloths
• Performing Wudu in a dirty environment


3. (a) Explain four features of traditional religious homes. [12 marks]

(Write an essay in at least four (4) paragraphs explaining, with examples, any four features)

First define a traditional religious home

 The presence of smaller gods / idols.
 The use of proverbs, myths, storytelling is very common in these homes
 The performance of sacrifices and libation
 The belief in totems and destiny
 Celebration of festivals and religious rites are common

(b) State four benefits that can be derived from interacting with members of other religions.
[8 marks] (Note: State and briefly explain)
(Write complete and meaningful sentences)
Religion is a set of beliefs held and worship of a superhuman by a group of people.
eg. Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion, Buddhism etc.

 It brings religious tolerance
 It reduces terrorism
 It leads to unity and development
 It increases our understanding and tolerance of other religions
 It leads to peaceful co-existence
 It widens our scope of knowledge
 It opens our minds to new ways of doing things


Answer one question only from this section

4. (a) Explain four ways by which people can comport themselves. [12 marks]

(Write an essay in paragraphs to explain four points – Give situations, where and when to show these behaviours)

(First define comportment and give examples)
Comportment is one’s ability to behave in a manner that brings self- respect

• Control of one’s temper
• Eating at the right place and at the right time
• Disposing of refuse in the proper way – putting into rubbish bins
• Freeing one’s bowels at the appropriate places
• Avoiding fighting in public
• Apologising for one’s mistakes
• Showing respect for authority
• Paying attention in class or at meetings
• Respecting the views of others
• Dressing appropriately for an occasion
• Greeting and respecting others
• Speaking politely to others., etc

(b) Four reasons why you should comport yourself. [8 marks]

(Note: State and briefly explain)
(Write complete and meaningful sentences)

• It brings respect to oneself
• It brings favour
• It allows one to fit into a group
• It enhances good relationship
• Comportment enhances orderliness and peace
• It brings blessings from man and God etc.


5. (a) Describe four processes involved in showing repentance. [10 marks]

(Write a short essay in at least four (4) paragraphs describing, with examples, the four processes)


Define the word repentance.

(i) Realize / admit fault or sin committed
(ii) Show deep regret for action
(iii) Request for pardon from person or God
(iv) Make a strong resolution not to repeat the act.

(b) Outline four reasons for showing regret for one’s wrong deeds. [10 marks]

(Write an essay in at least four (4) paragraphs using any four reasons)


Define the word regret and give examples

• To appease the offended person / God.
• To ensure unity and peace
• To renew friendship / cordiality
• To bring about forgiveness
• To avoid hatred and resentment
• To save a person from eternal destruction
• To regain trust / confidence


6. (a) State three main reasons each why rules and regulations are useful

(i) at home [6 marks]

(Note: Define rules and regulations first and give examples)

 They help to maintain order in the home
 They instill discipline / good behaviour in both parents and children
 They promote peace and unity in the home
 They encourage responsible behavior
 They help to cultivate tolerance in people

(ii) Reasons why rules and regulations are useful in the community. [6 marks]

 They help to maintain order in the communitty
 They instil discipline / good behaviour in members of the community
 They promote peaceful coexistence in the community
 They create an atmosphere of security
 They encourage responsible behaviour
 They help to cultivate tolerance in people
 They help to improve the standard of that community
 They help to protect one’s fundamental human rights
 They help to protect life and property

(b) Outline four benefits of taking instructions from elders. [8 marks]

(List and give brief explanation)
(Note : Define elders first and give examples)

(i) It helps us gain favour from them
(ii) It maintains good neighbourliness
(iii) It also develops our behaviour and character
(iv) It makes us avoid certain dangers
(v) It protects our future
(vi) It helps us to develop spiritually
(vii) It pleases God – attracts blessings from God

Answer one question only from this section


7. (a) Four factors that promote good family relationship [8 marks]

(Note: First define good family relationship)

(Briefly explain four of these points.)

a) Tolerance
b) Respect for the elderly
c) Sharing
d) Commitment
e) Obedience
f) Love
g) Socialization


(b) Four benefits of healthy relationship among family members. [12 marks]

(Write an essay in at least four (4) paragraphs explaining any four benefits, with examples)


a) It leads to peace and harmony
b) It promotes family projects
c) It strengthens the family bond
d) It allows one to get good moral training
e) It enables family members to support one another in times of need.
f) It brings respect and honour to the family.
g) It reduces the tendency for waywardness among family members
h) It brings both physical and spiritual blessings


8. (a) Four reasons why naming ceremony is important in your community. [12 marks]

(Write an essay in at least four (4) paragraphs explaining any four reasons, with examples)


(Note : First define naming ceremony with examples)

(i) It gives the child a name as his/her identity
(ii) It initiates the child into the family and community
(iii) It is used to dedicate the child to God.
(iv) It promotes unity among the family members
(v) It promotes socialization among well-wishers.
(vi) It is used to seek protection and blessings for the child.
(vii) It provides the chance for well-wishers to contribute towards the upkeep of the child
(viii) It brings respect and honour to the parents and family

(b) Four factors to be considered when choosing a name for a child. [8 marks]

(State and briefly explain)

First define the term name

(i) Day of birth
(ii) Tribe of family
(iii) Family name
(iv) The meaning of name
(v) Sex or gender of child
(vi) Religion of family
(vii) Circumstance of birth



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